Want to learn more?
Continuous learning is the key to a healthy, happy society.
An Alliance of therapists, researchers and Minor-Attracted People
B4U-ACT helps mental health professionals and researchers learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear. That way they can be informed before they interact with people who are attracted to minors, and before they talk, write, or make public statements about minor-attracted people.
A world without prisons with strong and well-resourced communities for everyone.
The Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS) works to address the persistent ways in which women and gender-diverse people impacted by criminalization are denied humanity and excluded from community.
Effective, just and humane responses to the causes and consequences of crime
The John Howard Society fills an important role in public education, community service and in pressing for reform in the criminal justice area. Currently there are branches and offices in over 60 communities across Canada, provincial offices in all 10 provinces and the Northwest Territories and a national office in Kingston.
A handbook for survivors of domestic/partner violence
includes a description of domestic sexual abuse and trafficking
includes a checklist to help determine whether sexual abuse is occurring
An anonymous national helpline to prevent child sexual abuse
Provides free therapy and anonymous support to people concerned about their attraction to children or their use of child sexual abuse material (a.k.a. ‘child porn’). This is designed for the prevention of a first offence, but anyone can reach out. If anyone is 10+ years post-legal sanction (e.g. probation, parole) then they can self-refer to the program for therapy. They also offer anonymous support and tools to individuals who believe someone they know may have a sexual interest in children.
Virtuous Pedophiles
offers support and companionship to pedophiles and other minor attracted people in a peer-group setting
seeks to educate the public about pedophilia, including the fact that having pedophilia does not entail committing crimes
helps at-risk pedophiles never to abuse children and supports law-abiding behavior more broadly
campaigns for better mental health support for pedophiles, including pedophile youth
argues against stigmas that create unjust discrimination against pedophiles
supports research that creates a better understanding of pedophilia
More Resources
Living Justice Press (free stuff)
Canadian Publications:
Chouinard, J. A. & C. Roddick (2014). An Evaluation of the Circles of Support and Accountability Demonstration Project, Church Council on Justice and Corrections.
Wilson, R. J., F. Cortoni, & A.J. McWhinnie “Circles of Support & Accountability: A Canadian national replication of outcome findings”, (2009). Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research & Treatment, 21, 412-430.
Wilson, R. J., J.E. Picheca, & M. Prinzo (2005). Circles of Support & Accountability: An evaluation of the pilot project in South-Central Ontario, [Research Report R-168] Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service of Canada.
McWhinnie, A.J., & Wilson, R.J. (2005). Courageous Communities: Circles of Support and Accountability with Individuals Who Have Committed Sexual Offences. Restorative Practices E-Forum, 1-3.
Wilson, R. J., L. Stewart, T. Stirpe, M. Barrett, & J.E. Cripps (2000).“Community-based sex offender management: Combining parole supervision and treatment to reduce recidivism”, Canadian Journal of Criminology, 42, 177-188.